
Bug makes Windows 10 apps stop working on old PCs

Native Windows 10 apps are stopping working on old computers, users report. Complaints regarding program incompatibility are piling up on the Microsoft Feedback Hub.

The issue affects a variety of Windows 10 apps, including Calendar, Calculator, Paint 3D, Movies and TV and Photos and the Comments Hub itself. All programs have updates distributed through the Microsoft Store.

The bug appears to exclusively affect computers with very old hardware.The bug appears to exclusively affect computers with very old hardware.Source: GettyImages

According to comments from affected users, the problem persists even after reinstalling the application. Currently, the thread related to the incompatibility bug has 31 pages with discussions from users, who try to investigate the problem on their own.

The mistake appears to only affect computers with older hardwaresuch as machines with Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Core 2 Quad processors, both launched in 2012.

The reason for the incompatibility is still unknown. However, it may be a consequence of some instruction included in applications that restricts usability on older machines — and Intel Core 2 is not officially compatible with Windows 10.

In any case, it is possible that the addition is not intended to impact the usability of users with old computers.

Solution depends on Microsoft

For now, There is no solution available for the problem, then affected users will have to opt for alternative applications to perform the same functions. At the moment, There is no prediction of when the fix will be released, nor whether Microsoft intends to fix the bug.

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