All routers have antennas, even if they are not visible. Depending on the model, the antennas may be internal or external. We are going to focus on the case of antennas that you can see from the outside and that you can even modify. We are going to explain to you how that antenna or those antennas should be pointed (depending on whether it has one or more) and why it helps you have a better Wi-Fi connection. You will see that it is not always necessary, but it is sometimes necessary.
It doesn’t matter if your router is new or old, if it has more or less power; You should always have it well located, configured and, if necessary, with the antennas pointing correctly. This is what will help you have a stable connection, with good speed and avoid problems that affect your daily life.
Be careful with the router antennas
Generally, router antennas are omnidirectional. This means that they will emit signals everywhere, although not always in the same way. That is, it doesn’t matter if you connect in any room around the router. Now, if you orient those antennas you can obtain certain improvements.
The best thing, which is usually common in most cases, is to put the vertical antennas. Why do we say this? This is how the signal propagates horizontally. Therefore, the most normal thing is that you are going to connect from somewhere more or less at the same height as the router. You want that signal to travel horizontally and not vertically.
If your router has several antennas, then you have it easier: generally, it is best to put some facing the ceiling and others horizontally. This ensures that the signal spreads everywhere without problems. If you only needed to connect from a floor above where the router is, then you would have to place it lying down, so that the signal goes upwards better.
But what if you want to connect both at the same level as the router and on a higher floor? In that case, it is best to place the antenna at a slight angle. The idea is that it can distribute both horizontally and vertically. You have to play a little with what we have explained and calculate what suits you best.
Locate the router, the most important thing
However, if we leave aside the position of the antennas, what should not be missing is locate your router very well. Always put it in a central area of the home, where it can better distribute the signal. Do not put it near a window that faces the street, as you would be wasting signal. Also do not place it next to a large wall or any obstacle.
Keep it away from interference, is also essential. Don’t put it near other devices, especially those that use a frequency similar to 2.4 GHz. For example, don’t put it near a cordless phone, Bluetooth devices, or even a microwave. All this can negatively affect.
In short, if you have a router with an external antenna, it is generally best to point it at the ceiling. However, you may need to tilt it slightly or even place it horizontally. If you have several antennas, you can put some facing the ceiling and others horizontally so that the signal can go better everywhere.