If you mistakenly receive an SMS, you could expose your personal data, passwords, or even allow an attacker to take the mobile control. Although there are filters, as with emails, it is very common to receive fake messages of this type, which pretend to be from a bank, platforms such as Amazon or any other page.
Avoid errors with dangerous messages
Therefore, it is essential that you avoid making mistakes when you receive an SMS that may be fraudulent. It will help you maintain security and avoid privacy problems that affect your daily life. They could even impersonate your identity, with the aim of attacking third parties on your behalf.
Open links
The first mistake is opening links that arrive with that SMS. These fake links could lead to a fraudulent web page that contains files that are actually a virus. For example, they could inform you of a supposed invoice that you have unpaid, a document that you need to see to solve a problem, etc.
Although you can always analyze links, our advice is to be very careful with links of this type. Don't open them unless you know they are totally reliable. They can be a trap to sneak in some malware and make your phone start to malfunction.
Reply with data
Another mistake is that you respond. In many cases, hackers go after certain data. Perhaps, in order to carry out a Phishing attack more personalized in the future. They may throw some bait, such as a supposed prize. They will ask you to respond to that message and, in this way, they will confirm that there is an active user behind that number. They may ask for your name, email, and other information.
Never respond to SMS of this type, much less giving your personal information. If you really have doubts about whether it could be something important and that you should respond, for example, if it is a supposed message from the bank, you can always contact that company directly and see what could have happened.
Login from there
Of course, you should never log in through an SMS you have received. It is a classic of Phishing attacks. Hackers may aim to get you into your bank account, social networks or any other platform, through these links that they have created fraudulently.
If you have doubts, what you should do is access that platform from its official website. Never copy and paste a URL that you have received through another means. You can go to a search engine and access it from there, as well as directly put the address in the address bar of your browser.
Therefore, with these tips you can avoid problems if you receive fake SMS on your mobile. The objective is to prevent them from taking control of the device, from giving you viruses or from stealing your passwords. Just by taking certain precautions, your safety will be protected.