
Recupera Aí: platform assists in recovering Instagram accounts

Having Instagram hacked is a problem that has become increasingly common, given the increase in the number of virtual scams. For those going through this situation, a new option to help recover the stolen profile on the social network is the platform Recover There.

Developed by information security specialist, Bruno Fraga, The service focuses on victims of hacker attacks who had their accounts hacked. When this happens, the account can make strange posts, send messages to strangers and have photos and data modified without your authorization.

The platform helps you recover Instagram for free.The platform helps you recover Instagram for free.Source: Recupera Aí/Reproduction

Attackers can also use stolen profiles to carry out fake sales and carry out different types of scams, putting the reputation of the real owners of these accounts at risk. In some cases, cybercriminals ask for money from people who want to redeem access to the social network.

Meta support can be activated in an attempt to recover hacked Instagram, offering options both for those who can access the profile, despite the invasion, and for those who have had access blocked. But, according to Fraga, official service has some limitations.

Virtual assistant helps you recover Instagram

The Recupera Aí platform emerged with the aim of overcoming the limitations of official Instagram support, as explained by the expert. To this end, the virtual assistant Karina was created, which guides users in a clear and simple way during the process of recovering hacked accounts.

It helps verify identity, confirm photos, enable two-factor authentication and send selfies, among other steps necessary to recover Instagram. Additionally, it provides undisclosed tips and tricks to make scanning easier, increasing the chances of a successful recovery.

Virtual assistant Karina guides the user through the procedure.Virtual assistant Karina guides the user through the procedure.Source: Recupera Aí/Reproduction

“Daily, I receive messages from desperate people with their accounts hacked and not knowing how to recover them. This motivated me to create Karina, facilitating a process that many consider complex and inaccessible”, commented Bruno.

According to the person responsible for the virtual assistant who helps recover hacked Instagram, the service is completely free and safe. In the future, the developer intends to offer extra tools to reduce hacking attempts and profile theft, such as shielding and digital protection features.

Step by step: how to use Recupera Aí?

To recover a hacked Instagram account with the help of virtual assistant Karina, you need to access the Recupera Aí website.

1. When entering the page, click on “Start recovery now”;

2. On the next page, go to “Start recovery”, followed by “Click here to start”.

3. This last option takes the user to the social network's official support, where they will need to inform the type of problem they are facing, such as a hacked account, disabled profile or use of personal data by third parties, among others. Select “My account has been hacked”.

Follow Karina's tips to carry out the process.Follow Karina's tips to carry out the process.Source: Recupera Aí/Reproduction

4. Afterwards, return to Recupera Aí, click on “Ready! Continue” and, later, on the “Click to listen” option, activating Karina;

5. Listen to the virtual assistant's instructions and follow the steps she covers, carrying out the procedures on the Instagram support page.

According to Fraga, there are plans to expand the tool to other social networks and online services such as Gmail, Outlook and TikTokhelping users who also face problems with hacked accounts on these platforms.

What did you think of the solution? For more information and updates, keep an eye on the portal here. To the next!

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