
Upload up to 100GB for free with this simple, encrypted cloud service

Keep in mind that, as expected with a free service of this type, you are going to find some negative points. However, for the basics, to upload large files and share them occasionally with someone, it is an interesting solution. It is not going to be for long-term backup copies, as you will see.

Upload 100 GB for free with UploadNow

The basic thing you should know is that you can host up to 100 GB without having to pay anything. You will have an anonymous account, so you do not have to register. Yes, you could create an account, but only if you want. You have to go to the UploadNow website and there you will see that they automatically assign you a guest user.

To upload files, you simply have to click on the upload button Add files or drag them there. Subsequently, click Validate and load. Depending on the size, it will take more or less.

Upload files to UploadNow

When that file finishes uploading, two links will automatically appear: one is to manage what you have uploaded and the other is to share it. There also appears a QR code, to be able to share it so that others can quickly download that file that you have uploaded. Only with that, you can start downloading it.

If you enter the link to manage files, you will be able to see everything you have been uploading. You will be able to see how many times it has been downloaded, the number of files in that folder, delete them, etc. You will have control of everything you house there.

View files uploaded to UploadNow

At the bottom left, you can see how much space you have available. As you will see, the 100 GB limit appears. It's not bad at all for a free service and, for the basics, it works quite well.

What to take into account

You must take into account certain limitations. This is a free service and may not have certain features or capabilities that you would need. For example, files are only available if they are downloaded regularly. That is, you cannot upload a folder with photos from a trip and leave it there for someone else to download in a few weeks or be able to access it at any time. As soon as they pass 7 days without activitythey disappear.

You will also not be able to manage those files from any device. You will only be able to access from the browser and device with which you uploaded them. That can cause problems, since you will depend on that team to be able to delete the content or make any changes. This is mainly because you do not have a user account.

Another factor to take into account is that the service shows advertising from time to time. It is normal, since it is something free and its way of financing itself, at least in part, is through the advertising that appears. It's not excessively annoying.

In terms of security, an interesting point is that it has 256 bit encryption. It also guarantees privacy by using HTTPS and thus keeping personal data safe. Therefore, in that sense we can say that it is a reliable platform, to be able to host content and not leave it exposed.

As you can see, UploadNow is one of the options to access files online. It has limitations, since it is a free service, but it has available space of up to 100 GB.

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